In this initiative, midwives who have completed health education workshops designed to meet global standards give comprehensive sex education (CSE) lectures at universities, junior colleges, vocational schools, and other institutes of higher education.
Our program was designed to provide CSE to university students after consulting specialists across various fields and while referencing resources like the comprehensive and internationally recognized International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This program is used during lectures at the universities and other schools that apply.
Our program’s comprehensive sex education (CSE) is not limited to sexual health. Instead, it aims to provide students with broad knowledge related to sexuality and the body that young people need today so they can uphold their own values, treasure their ways of living, and respect the values and lifestyles of others. At the same time, it enables students to think about their life plans and achieve their envisioned future based on knowledge of various life options. If you would like to host a CSE lecture at your school, please fill out the application form linked below.
Apply to Host a Lecture
Providing CSE through programs like ours can alter behaviors related to sex and the body as shown by the questionnaire results below. In addition to behaviors related to sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), we also observed changes related to sexual consent and sexual violence.

Looking back on the midwives’ comprehensive sex education lectures, do you feel you previously possessed inadequate or inaccurate knowledge concerning STDs?

講義後の時点において、これまで性感染症に対する正しい知識が不足していたと思った学生の割合 は、「思う」50.0%、「やや思う」36.4%、と合わせて 86.4%であった。
Did you talk to anyone about STDs as a result of the comprehensive sex education program provided by midwives you attended three months ago?

Three months after the lectures, 21.3% of attendees reported they had talked to someone about STDs as a result of the midwives’ comprehensive sex education program. When asked who they talked to, the most common response was “A friend or acquaintance” (28 responses), followed by “My partner” (10 responses) and “My parents” (3 responses).